2018 Holiday Gift Guide

18 amazing eco-friendly, sustainable, organic, and handmade gift ideas for everyone on your list! From the cutest candle-in-a-mug to the best dark chocolate to a puffer jacket made from recycled plastic bottles, these gifts are ideal for all the earth-loving people in your life! 

My 2018 Holiday Gift Guide is HERE and it might just be the best one, ever!

This year I really focused on curating a list of gifts that are not only beautiful and practical, but are made with sustainability in mind. Many of the links below are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission for the purchases you make, but the price stays the same for you. Everything on this list is something I currently own and love, and am recommending them because I think you’ll love them, too, not because I might make a few dollars off your purchase. Most of them have Black Friday discounts over the weekend, too, so it’s a great time to stock up on affordable, sustainable products!

I made this list as gender-neutral as possible, because I truly think these products are gifts that EVERYONE can enjoy. If I’m showing you the women’s version of something that I own (like slippers, a pullover, or socks) it also come’s in a men’s version, because these aren’t just gifts for women; my husband owns and loves men’s versions of most of the clothing items on this list and most of the items below are interest-specific (like: do you enjoy coffee or fancy olive oil?) versus gender specific. 

I hope you find something you love to gift to the people you love this holiday season! And remember: just showing up, bringing a homemade treat (may I suggest this 4-ingredient fudge?) and going out to do something fun like watching a tree-lighting ceremony or going for a snowy hike is just as valuable as a material object. 


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it:  It actually keeps drinks cold/hot FOREVER; you can effortlessly cut down on trash/plastic waste by using your own mug at a coffee shop; the fun, bright color is so perfect! 

Who to gift it to: coffee/tea lovers; that family member who shows up everywhere with a to-go cup of coffee; coworkers; friends into sustainability.

click here to buy on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: Its non-psychoactive, legal in all 50 states, has powerful herbal medicinal properties (stress and anxiety relief, chronic pain and inflammation management, sleep aid, etc etc); it’s grown using organic practices on a small farm in Vermont; the quality and taste is better than any other brand of CBD I’ve tried! 

Who to gift it to: hipster friends; family members whose jobs or hobbies take a toll on their body;  anyone suffering from chronic pain (even headaches, arthritis, etc);  siblings who suffer from anxiety; anyone going through a particularly difficult time in life. 

BONUS: Luce Farm has graciously agreed to give Baked Greens readers 10% off their entire product line! Use the code BG10 when ordering (just type it right into the ‘promo code’ box)

click here to buy on lucefarmvt.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love them: they’re vegan/faux fur, ultra cozy, and every purchase gives a pair of shoes to a child in need; they’re durable, completely washable, and even come in fun holiday patterns, etc. 

Who to gift it to: literally everyone. but more specifically: people who are always cold, lovers of a good cause, and anyone in need of a new pair of slippers. obviously.

click here to buy on tom’s.com

ORGANIC COTTON PULLOVERS2018 Holiday Gift Guide2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love them: organic cotton is not only better for the planet, but it’s so very soft and comfortable. I love the Patagonia pullover for going out and the Pact pullover for staying in. These make great base-layers for winter activities, too!

Who to gift it to: siblings, significant others, and anyone who needs another layer to stay cozy and warm this season!

click here to buy Patagonia pullover on Backcountry.com 

click here to buy PACT pullover on wearpact.com 


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: this olive oil is made on a small family farm in Greece, where everything is done by hand the old-fashioned way. The olive oil itself is unfiltered, raw, cold-pressed, and absolutely divine, and like nothing you can get in the grocery store.

Who to gift it to: hipster friends; lovers of small farming, sustainability, and small-batch products; die-hard olive oil lovers; friends who love a good salad; health and wellness gurus. 

click here to buy on evoo.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: It’s hand made in small batches, has a super rich, full-bodied cacao flavor profile, is stuffed with all the best things (nut butters, fruit, salt, etc), is coconut sugar-sweetened, and is seriously a dark chocolate lover’s dream.

Who to gift it to: dark chocolate lovers; health-conscious friends; ME. 

click here to buy on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: this jacket is stylish, super warm and comfy, and is a more eco-friendly option for a puffer jacket, since it’s made from recycled plastic! They make a men’s and a women’s version with multiple styles, so there’s something for everyone!

Who to gift it to: anyone in need of a new jacket; family members who are into sustainability. 

click here to buy on everlane.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love them: they feel chic and special, but are truly important options for eliminating plastic waste. the bee’s wrap is an organic, waste-free solution to plastic wrap (and is completely bio-degradable, or can even be rolled up and used as a candle wick or fire starter once it’s worn out), and stasher bags are a silicon replacement for ziplock bags. Buy a few of each and create a plastic-free starter pack for a friend!

Who to gift it to: anyone who uses a lot of plastic wrap or plastic ziplock bags; earth loving friends; students;  your grandma (she’ll think it’s pretty neat, trust me). 

click here to buy bee’s wrap on amazon.com

click here to buy stasher bags on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: stainless steel, sleek, attractive, and super functional for anyone taking beer on the go (or picking up a growler from their favorite brewery).  These also look great at a picnic, tailgating at the big game, or just in your own backyard.

Who to gift it to: all the beer lovers in your life. period. 

click here to buy growler on amazon.com

click here to buy tumblers on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: this blender will literally puree anything: nut butters, soups, smoothies, pesto, flour, etc. I’ve used mine daily (sometimes multiple times daily) for nearly 10 years and it’s still going strong. 

Who to gift it to: health-conscious friends; newlyweds or college students; anyone looking to upgrade their sad old blender; smoothie lovers and health-enthusiasts. 

click here to buy on vitamix.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide


Why I love it: listen, sometimes you just need to gift someone a huge amount of something. I frickin’ love these dates because they’re consistently soft and juicy. If you know a date lover, make it happen. 

Who to gift it to: anyone who loves dates!

click here to buy on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: cast iron lasts forever. Several lifetimes, actually. We keep this exact skillet on our stovetop 24/7 and use it daily for everything from frying eggs to sautéing veggies to making pancakes, to roasting whole chickens in the oven, and everything in-between. When cared for properly (never soaked in water long term, scrubbed clean after using, rubbed with oil when looking dry) this pan will literally last forever.

Who to gift it to: friends and family who love cooking; anyone looking for an eco-friendly alternative to nonstick; newlyweds; friends who just bought their first house; all the old-timers in your life who complain that they don’t make things like they used to (this cast iron skillet will prove them wrong!).

click here to buy on amazon.com



2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: its quiet, creates less pulp/waste than other juicers, and looks pretty sitting on the counter.

Who to gift it to: anyone you know who currently purchases cold-pressed juice from the grocery store or juice shop; health and wellness peeps; juice lovers

click here to buy on amazon.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: they’re just so stinkin’ cute. And the company who makes them is committed to removing waste from our waterways- with every purchase, they remove 1lb of trash! 

Who to gift it to: friends who love camping; everyone who loves candles; anyone interested in cleaning up our oceans.

click here to buy on unitedbyblue.com


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: I love lattes. I love handmade ceramic mugs. Obviously I love the collision of the two. These mugs are gorgeous, always slightly different/unique since they’re handmade, and totally make for the perfect insta-photo of your morning brew. 

Who to gift it to: coffee and tea lovers; anyone with an eclectic collection of mugs; instagrammers and it-didn’t-happen-if-I-didn’t-photograph-it members of your family. 

click here to buy on Etsy.com

update: the above mug is already sold out! Click here to see all my other favorite mugs. 


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love it: This coffee is grown on democratically organized, worker-owned cooperative farms in the global south and sold by a company 100% committed to people + the planet. Equal Exchange provides above-market rates to their fair trade and organic certified coffee farmers who take pride in producing some of the best tasting coffee in the world. This is literally the only coffee I buy (they make a killer decaf, too!), and I can’t say enough good things about the flavor, quality + their business model. 

Who to gift it to: all the coffee lovers in your life. Yes, all of them. 

click here to buy on equalexchange.coop


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love them: they’re all made from organic cotton + fair trade labor, are super soft and comfy, come in a bazillion patters, and are affordable, to boot.

Who to gift it to: any colorful sock-lovin’ dudes in your life.

click here to buy on wearpact.com 


2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Why I love them: I’ve been wearing these socks for a year straight and haven’t yet worn them out. They’re thick, sturdy, have that clutch piece of extra ankle cushioning so you don’t get blisters, and are built with a purpose: to provide warm, durable socks to the people who need them most (people who are homeless, transient, in transition, etc). One pair purchased = one pair donated. It’s literally that simple. They also make no-see socks for wearing in flats and ankle boots, and crew socks. So don’t feel limited to ankle socks, if they’re not your preferred sock style.

Who to gift it to: literally everyone you know. Buy a six or twelve-pack to overhaul a family member’s sock drawer; gift a single pair or multi-pack to a friend; stock up the runner or active person in your family (bc these socks just don’t quit); stuff a pair into everyone’s stockings.

click here to buy on bombas.com

Go ahead, gift them all to yourself. I won’t tell.

I hope you love these simple, ethical, sustainable, earth friendly gift options! And, if you don’t see anything on the list that meets your needs but still plan to do some online shopping this season, I would so greatly appreciate if you did so through the following links, where your purchases will generate a little extra income for me + my blog (but add absolutely nothing to the price of your purchase).












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