Peanut’s Fall Adventures


With another photo dump of my best girl Peanut living it up this fall.

This fall peanut discovered the joy of running/sniffing through a good leaf pile, got to run on the beach as much as her little heart wanted, realized how much she loves apples and pumpkin (like, a lot), literally lost her mind with excitement for the first snowfall, got her own instagram account, graduated from advanced puppy obedience classes, sharpened her cash-finding skills, spent lots of nights tucked up on the couch in a blanket and/or snuggled up to Kevin with her entire face in his sweatshirt pocket (she’s seriously too much), had her very first thanksgiving with the family, slowly turned more and more brown on her face and legs, and was forever styling’ in her cozy jackets.

It’s safe to say Peanut was in her element this fall. While over the summer there were many days that being outside was just too hot for her because of her dark fur, this fall she just laid out in the sun, ran endless laps around the dog park like a wild woman, and more or less lived her best life in the cooler weather.

Now that winter is officially here (and Peanut’s first birthday just passed), we’re gearing up for all sorts of snowy adventures and activities she couldn’t yet do over the past year since she was still so young.

Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall
Peanut in Fall

I hope your fall was as full of excitement as Peanut’s was, and that you’re ready for snow days, colder weather, and the endless couch cuddling opportunities that come with them. I know Peanut is.

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